Length of Program 

(The man in The Mirror TMITM) observed that there is a diverse range of programs at many different levels of formats.  

TTMITM recommend that the participants be involved in the program for at least 12 weeks over 1 days. This may include some individual counselling but TMITM emphasis will be on group counselling unless there are special circumstances which contraindicate group involvement. 
Week 1: UNIT 1: Section 1: Childhood Experiences 
Week 2: UNIT 1: Section 1: Childhood Experiences (Continued) 
Week: 3 UNIT 1: Section 2: Narcissism & UNIT 1: Section 3: ‘Red Flags’ in Relationships 
Week 4: UNIT 1: Section 2: Narcissism (Continued) & UNIT 1: Section 3: ‘Red Flags’ in Relationships 
Week 5: UNIT 2: Section 1: Domestic Abuse & UNIT 2: Section 2: Violence and Fatalities 
Week 6: UNIT 2: Section 1: Domestic Abuse (Continued) 
Week 7: UNIT 2: Section 1: Domestic Abuse (Continued) & UNIT 2: Section 3: Female Perpetrators 
Week 8: UNIT 3: Section 1: Mental Health 
Week 9: UNIT 3: Section 2: Anger, Jealousy and Stalking 
Week 10: UNIT 3: Section 3: Breaking Chains 
Week 11: UNIT 3: Section 3: Breaking Chains (Continued) 
Week 12: UNITS 1-3 Summary 
No participant shall be assumed to be safe because he completes The Man in the Mirror Program (TMITM). 
Motivational Speaker - Josh Herriott 
Project Administrator - Anjit Bains 

Men Cry 2 Support group For Men 

Research has indicated that men are twice as likely to have no one to go to for emotional support, compared to women. 
Men are twice as likely to struggle with emotional support because they have no one to rely on, a new study from mental health charity Mind has suggested. 
The research found that one in ten men have no one to rely on for emotional support, compared to one in 20 women. This could put them at risk of developing mental health problems, as well as finding it much more difficult to cope with any issues they have to face. 
Lead facilitator - Emmanuel Rominyi 
Assistant Facilitator- Charan Dhillon 
Men it is ok cry, men are humans with emotions and feelings. 
MEN CRY 2 AIM IS A 8 WEEK WORKSHOP – let’s explore in a safe confidential environment 
1. The broken man/ Connecting with the inner Child/ trauma 
2. Narcissism/ parents/ siblings/ relationships/ bosses 
3. Mental Health/ Depression/ shame/ worthlessness/ Suicidal thoughts 
4. Who am I/ Therapy through Art 
5. Self-Identity/ Confidence and Esteem 
6. Accepting and approving who you are/ anger/ resentment 
7. Bin it/ Empty in lying Rucksack 
8. Reflection and Feedback/ certification 
Trauma recovery 
Identifying with the true self 
Better mental health 
Better relationships 
This program is created for Self-referrals and to be delivered in prisons and the Criminal Justice System 
2 hours per week 16 hours over 8 weeks - Accredited program 
Costing £600 


The fallen Mask Retreat Program - Do you hide behind a mask? or have you fallen in love with a mask that was a delusion. The support group is a safe, warm welcoming atmosphere. 
This is for survivors to come together to heal and support each other from abuse or challenges you have endured. 
The group is lead by a licenced life coach also therapist and a skilled team of peer lead who are empathic and fellow survivors. 
Group of 10 Fallout of 2 
Male: Only Workshop 
Females Only Workshop 
Is a 3 day start to your healing retreat to recover and discover yourself. 
1. Day: Meet and Greet/ Team / confidence building 
2. Workshop The Fallen Mask/ unmasking the false mask/ / Narcissist abuse 
3. Group discussion on Attachment styles e.g., relationships. Friendships/ social skills 
Rediscover yourself 
Identify Red Flag signals of toxic relationships 
Connecting with the inner self 
Healing from shame, guilt, embarrassment, rejection, abandonment 
Room and Food provided 
Age: 18+ Adults only 
Female Group Only - Group Lead – Alexandra Groves 
Men Group Only Lead: Charan Dhillon 
Costing £300, including transport, hotel and food 





Key Areas 

Participant Agreement, Focusing Key Areas: 
The participant agrees to limit contact with her, her friends and her family 
He agrees to stop collecting information on the victim 
He agrees to stop tracking and chasing the victim 
He agrees to avoid the places she frequents, and to provide her with plenty of space away from him 
He refuses to manipulate their children to discredit or degrade the victim. 
Get in Touch Today  
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